Members - Show


GET /v1.1/member/[MemberID]


Returns member profile data, including recent actions and brand affinity. Context is provided by passing in additional parameters, such as campaign, time period, etc.

User must be identified by id, verified_email, email or partnerId/partnerCode combination.

Default date range if none specified is 1 week. The maximum date range - even if a bigger range is specified - is 3 months.

required *

apiKey *  string Your API access key
[memberid]  integer The ID of the user to be queried. Instead of id you may provide email, verified_email, partnerId&partnerCode or service&username
email  string Email address
verified_email  string A Verified Email address
partnerCode  string Code specific to partner who may be integrated with AE, eg. 'janrain'
partnerID  integer Internal user id for specified partner. PartnerID requires partnerCode
period  string In format of '[Amount] [Unit]' - eg 2 Month, 1 Day, 3 Week (default: 1 Week)
period_end  string In format of '[Amount] [Unit]' - eg 2 Month, 1 Day, 3 Week (default: 1 Week)
start_date  string In format of 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' – start of date range for results
end_date  string In format of 'YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS' – end of date range for results
refresh  integer value of 1 forces the user record to be refreshed on this call. Note: (BETA) this call may take much longer to return, be prepared to handle appropriately. Will only force refresh of custom segments.
threshold  integer Integer value of 1 or greater, determines affinity for preferred brand - requires showbrands
brandID  integer Filter to user actions and score for specific brand
segment  integer ID of segment to filter by – determines scores & position
activityID  integer ID of activity to filter by – determines scores & position
includeOneTime  boolean Default 0, value of 1 will show 1 time actions such as follows, likes
services  string Comma seperated list – eg. twitter, facebook, lastfm, rdio, youtube, custom, etc – determines scores & position
showposition  integer Value of 1 will include the AEPosition field in the data result (default 0). Only shows position if less than 1000, otherwise shows '999+'
showbrands  boolean Value of 1 will include the top of brands for this user (default 0). Affected by filtering
showactions  boolean Value of 1 will include the latest actions for this user (default 0). Affected by filtering
anyofactivities  string The activity id or ids (comma separated), ANY OF which have been performed by the member. Append brand id in the format brandid-activityid to filter by an activity performed for a specific brand eg. 'Shared a Listen for 5 Seconds of Summer via Facebook' would be 3438697-1350
allofactivities  string The activity id or ids (comma separated), ALL OF which have been performed by each of the member. Append brand id in the format brandid-activityid to filter by an activity performed for a specific brand eg. 'Shared a Listen for 5 Seconds of Summer via Facebook' would be 3438697-1350
extended  boolean Value of 1 will include Extended data node. Extended data holds any custom data structures specific to your account
limit  integer Limit the results of the activity and brands, default 3, max 1000. Requires showactions or showbrands

Sign in with your developer account to use the console, or sign up here

Example Request

curl -v -X GET ""
$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array( 
	CURLOPT_URL => "", 

$response = curl_exec($curl);

echo $response;
import requests

url = ""

headers = {}
payload = {}

response = requests.request("GET", url, headers=headers, data=payload)

var request = require('request');
var options = {
	'method': 'GET',
	'url': '',
	'headers': {}
request(options, function (error, response) {
	if (error) throw new Error(error);

Example Response

"data": {
"FirstName": "Jean Luc",
"Surname": "Picard",
"Email": "",
"Username": "JLP",
"Gender": "M",
"Bio": "Tea, Earl Grey, Hot.",
"AccessToken": "25d6d677d66b5a45a96ccaee69_1588810794",
"ID": 1234,
"AvatarURL": "",
"Country": "",
"City": null,
"State": null,
"CountryCode": "",
"GeoCountry": null,
"lastLogin":"2361-01-27 19:00:00",
"lastUpdated":"2361-01-27 19:00:00",
"firstVisit":"2360-01-27 19:00:00",
"lastVisit":"2360-12-27 19:00:00"
"firstVisit":"2350-01-27 19:00:00",
"lastVisit":"2358-01-27 19:00:00"
"currentLocation":[{"formatted":"Enterprise, In Space" }],
"languagesSpoken":[{"languageSpoken":"French","id":"54321" }],
"created":"2350-09-05 20:00:00",
"lastUpdate":"2355-09-06 20:00:00",
"period":"3 MONTH",
"period_extended":"3 YEAR"
"VerifiedEmail": ""
"optins": [
"ID": "1234",
"Type": "Brand",
"SegmentID": null,
"Label": null,
"Name": "Starfleet"
"ID": "5678",
"Type": "1701",
"SegmentID": "Segment",
"Label": null,
"Name": "Launching the new Enterprise"
"services": [
"Service": "spotify",
"Valid": "1",
"ActivitySharing": "1",
"ID": "1122",
"UserID": "1111",
"Username": "JLP",
"UserURL": null,
"Token": "asdf",
"TokenSecret": "asdfasdf",
"LastUpdated": null,
"LastLogin": "2362-05-05 16:00:00",
"VerifiedEmail": "",
"PaidAccount": "1",
"Followers": "0",
"Likes": "0",
"PartnerCode": null,
"PartnerID": null,
"Domains": [
"jwt": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsInRMEkwYQfFGMx7qCdUaGU1LbDCg1dSFeivdYPTXQPfSIrlepf8"